西瓜西瓜2015/10/21 11:55:39
League of Legends - Pentakill Tristana - Oct 9 2015
西瓜西瓜2015/10/21 11:55:38
League of Legends - Tristana Pentakill
西瓜西瓜2015/10/21 11:55:32
FeedersTeam-Pentakill Tristana (AWWBambu)
成长快乐vc2015/10/21 11:55:27
SKT T1 Bang - Tristana vs Lucian - EUW LOL Master 260LP
西瓜西瓜2015/10/21 11:55:27
Bang Tristanas Quadra Pentakill, EUW LOL Highlight
成长快乐vc2015/10/21 11:55:11
EDG Deft - Tristana Bot Lane - KR SoloQ
成长快乐vc2015/10/21 11:55:56
FNC Rekkles - Tristana vs Vayne - KR LOL Challenger
西瓜西瓜2015/10/21 11:55:45
League of Legends - Ampera Pentakill (Remake)
成长快乐vc2015/10/21 11:55:38
CLG Doublelift - Tristana Bot Lane - KR SoloQ
成长快乐vc2015/10/21 11:55:35
C9 Sneaky - Tristana vs Kalista - KR LOL Master 37LP